Showing posts with label hairstyles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hairstyles. Show all posts


I'm Nessa, your resident Bulakenya in Manila and an alopecia survivor. (Yes, I'm back to blogging, finally.)

Three years ago, my hair started falling out and when I got checked by my doctor, it turned out to be Diffuse Alopecia Areata. 

Throughout the course of about 3-5 months, I lost 95% of my hair. On my 22nd birthday, I decided to shave my head and accept whatever life will throw at me. 

Fortunately, after shaving it off, it started growing back little by little. Of course, it wouldn't be like that if not for my talented dermatologist, Dr. Paolo Lizarondo.  

With that little growth that I had, I made a pact with the Universe that I wouldn't touch my hair for a year -- no salon, no hair cut, no colors, no nothing -- as long as I don't have to go through it again. 

A year turned to two because I was so scared of having anything done, in fear of the unknown. Two years then turned to three, then three years, and a couple more months because of the pandemic. 

I turned 25 this year and I really wanted to change it up because I felt like it was the right time to do so. I scheduled an appointment with Sir George Salon Premier back in March 2021, but it got moved and moved because of the MECQ. 

Finally, on May 14th, my salon schedule pushed through! 

So sorry for the long intro, but yep here's my Sir George Salon Premier experience! :) 

My partner and I got there at around 1:30PM-ish and there were only a couple customers inside. 

At first, they were confused about my appointment but after explaining what happened, they worked super quickly. 

Sir Ronnie Aristales (Senior Stylist), Sir Gold (Junior Stylist), and Sir Elphie (Junior Stylist) were the ones who took care of us during our stay. All throughout the time we were there, they were warm and friendly but also professional. They were making jokes, telling stories, but at the same time, working efficiently. When you visit the salon, I highly recommend that you request them so you get the same wonderful experience as I did. 

I went in with a clear idea in my mind. Here are the pegs that I showed Sir Ronnie, including the color I wanted. 

Hairstyle, photos taken from IG, linked the accounts below.

Hair color, from Google

They started off with assessing my hair, and clarifying what I wanted to do with my hair. They were very thorough in making sure we were both on the same page with my hair plans which I really appreciate because it put my mind at ease. Since this was my first salon experience in quite some time, I was also very nervous. They assured me that they knew what needed to be done.

The first step was having my hair washed, which felt so nice even though it was weird having someone else wash and even touch my hair. After that, I went back to the chair and had my hair cut. 

I opted for armpit-length hair with layers to give my hair some shape, and some face hairpieces. I didn't want curtain bangs (or any bangs for that matter), but rather something like Enma Ai and Yumeko's hairpieces. I don't know what to call it, but here's their hairstyle. 

Sir Ronnie did the rest of the styling, my only request was to keep the longest parts armpit length. The rest was up to him. Because of our clear communication and how he listens, I loved how my haircut turned out. I felt fresh and light, and most importantly, it felt like me. 

Here's a photo of my hair before and my hair after the hair, both unstyled (1st pic just washed, 2nd pic just dried). 

After the haircut, they started the sectioning for the bleaching, which looked like this. My hair was bleached for about 1.5 hours and then foiled for about 30 minutes. I requested that the bleach not be put near my scalp/roots because I felt like it wasn't necessary with the look (and I didn't like the feeling tbh) that I was going for and Sir Ronnie agreed. 

After bleaching, my hair looked like this: 

When my hair was dried, it looked like this. 

Not sure if this kind of blonde suits me... 

Now for best part, achieving my dream hair color! My hair was divided into 3 parts, left, right, and the top part. 

For the top part, I wanted it to be flush with my natural color. They did an amazing color match to be honest because it doesn't; look unnatural on me unlike with simple black dye. If I remember correctly, it was a dark brown blend. 

With all that said, here are the results! 

For my right part, I wanted an emerald green, but not so obvious. I wanted it to be subtler green and the team was able to achieve it amazingly. 

For the left part, I wanted it a toned blonde. I didn't expect it to have a rosy shade, but I am not complaining. I loved how it contrasted the right side and the top part! 

Here's how it looks side by side, with flash and without flash. 

And here are pictures I took when I finally had the chance to glam up. 

Thank you, Sir George Salon Premier - Venice Grand Canal Mall, Mckinley Hill , for taking care of my hair! I'll be back for a color change soon <3 


They now offer home service packages!

 Hey girls!

Yay! Back to normal make up posts! I really do swear to try and blog more often with actual make up related stuff. :)

This post I'm gonna share something I did yesterday while I was home alone. :)

Make Up Experiments! :)


I really missed experimenting with makeup... Loading up the brush with color and just letting your imagination take you everywhere. Originally, I planned to do something much more dramatic, like a masquerade mask or something like that, but this is what my imagination led me to. So yeah. :)


My friends told me I looked like an "Emo" Girl, due to the colors I used (Pink, Black, Purple) and because my hair is currently  in  what we call "Octopus Cut". Yah, I went through this weird impulsive phase and went through the scissors when I swore I wanted my straight even hair back.. So much for promises. I like it though. A lot of people said it suited me. And I can do a faux bob cut! That, for me, is awesome. Both suits me, they say. That, is awesome, once again. :)

Since you cannot see the actual stuff I did (yay for awesome tablet camera), I guess I would have to make do with words. 

First I did a pink gradient on my lids and then went on adding brown in the crease, and deciding to "cut crease" with black. I kept the black in the crease and for me that was very pretty, creating a subtle but very pretty colorful smokey eye. I'd actually wear this on a night out, if time allows me. For the lower lash line, I lined it with purple and then tightlined with black. Curler, mascara, browbone highlight, inner tear duct high light, blend, touch ups and I was finally satisfied. :)

For the lips, I really wanted to try the ombre lip, so I went on and tried it out. I really love dark lips, and this was perfect! I started out with foundation to cancel my natural pigmentation out and shaped my lips with purple eyeshadow mixed with petroleum jelly (I tend to do that often. Mixing up my own batches of lip color. Yeah, weird I know.), and then filled them in. I used black eyeshadow mixed with P.Jelly to create a smaller poutier lip shape and then from there, worked my ombre magic. A dab of lipgloss later, my lips were BAM! I am so not kissing any boys tonight. LOL.

Over all, I really loved what I ended up with. It's not often that I do, anyway. Sometimes make up ideas look so awesome in my mind and look so damn wrong on my face! Believe me, it happens. :/

Here are a few more vain shots of moi. I love these last two pics, they look sooo Vampire-ish, which I like. 
On my Facebook, I put these up with Gothic Doll as the album title. Maybe I should change it to Vampire Doll? Meh Meh. Not sure. :)

Of course, since Halloween is around the corner, I decided to amp things up and made myself a broken Gothic Doll. Yup, you read that right. Thank bubzbeauty for the idea! :)

If there was a Halloween party around the corner, I would totally go as a Broken Doll. That would be like, the god awesome of the gods of awesome. Yup. I just added a few cracks and holes using liner and shadow. :)


I guess that's it for this blog post? I feel like it's been far too long and rambly. :)

Oh well. Ciao Blogger People! Have an awesome Halloween! :)



 I've always been adventurous with my hair, to the point that I've cut my own bangs, trimmed my own layers, and straightened, curled, and waved it. I also put it up different styles!

Now, my classmates have discovered that (well, in a way.)! And I'm kinda the official stylist. LOL. That sounded conceited.

Anyway, here are a few of the styles that I've been doing to myself, and themselves. Enjoy! :*

This is Alissa's hair, which I did a ribboned-braided-ponytail. 

This is my hair (wet) in a classic braided half up do.

another shot...

and another...

This is Mishielle's hair, which she obediently let me put up in pin-curls.

She doesn't want to show her face, unfortunately...

close enough. :P

the finished, unrefined result. Pretty curly eh?

This is Aya's hair. In pin-curls too, but she clipped it up in a half-up do

Finished! Turned out wavier than curlier.

The two pretty ladies. I think they looked beautiful. :*
(Aya and Mishielle)

Now tell me if you want more posts like this, or should I stick to my old ones? Or tutorials? Feedback please, my lovelies.

Hugs, Nessa :*