Showing posts with label Teeth Whitening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teeth Whitening. Show all posts

 So excited to use these goodies to get my smile in ✨ sparkling ✨ condition!



This is the @perfectsmileofficialph range, which includes the following: .


✨ Premium Teeth Whitening Gargle Stick

- perfect for teeth whitening maintenance as it's super convenient! .

✨ Premium Whitening Pen

- quick and easy whitening solutions for everyday! .

✨ Premium Teeth Whitening Strips - intensive whitening in the comfort of your own home! .


Personally I am very excited to try out the Teeth Whitening Strips as I've always seen it in movies during pamper routine scenes -- so I'll add in my weekly pamper routine! .


Stay tuned for my first impressions review (and maybe a giveaway, *hint hint*)! They are also available @watsonsph so no need to worry about where to get it! :)



Thank you so much to the Perfect Smile team for sending this over ✨ .



