I am always on the lookout for new information about the things that I like, such as blogging. So, when I saw this live stream replay on Writing Hacks Academy page, I watched it.. thrice. There was so much to absorb from the featured blogger, Kathy Kenny Ngo, that it took me a couple of times to truly understand the topic, and this post is my takeaway from that live stream.
1. It is not for everyone.
Even at the most basic level, we are social beings. We have the innate urge to share our stories and to talk about things we love. Especially now with social media, sharing is as easy as clicking a button, typing down what you currently feel, or even just chatting with a random stranger. Blogging is all about sharing, anyone can sign up using numerous blogging sites and start posting away.
However, in order to become a successful blogger, the blogger must post something that readers will be interested in. Aside from page hits, the blogger must also be adept in being able to rank on Google search, be comfortable in using SEO, navigating brand and PR opportunities, and most importantly, staying relevant.
These are all things that can take a lot of patience and time, even love for the craft. Not everyone has that, and if you do, congratulations, you are nearly halfway there.
2. There will always be an audience for your topic.
If there is one thing that I learned while being in this industry, it's that even the most obscure niche will have an audience. Do not limit yourself to the popular topics, or force yourself to write about things that don't really match what you want to write about. Whatever your topic is, go ahead and create something beautiful from it.
Similarly, do not shy away from the popular topics, should those interest you. Remember, you are unique, and there is no one else like you. Your thoughts and opinion can benefit someone else. What you have to say might be what someone else needs to hear. The blogging world is never too crowded for another blogger, especially for those who are passionate for it.
A word of advice, do make sure that your topic is well presented and honest. Make sure to review your grammar, sentence construction and always be welcome to feedback, good or bad.
3. People will see you, and they will see your mistakes too.
Making mistakes is not a bad thing, so long as you learn from them. Use them as your guide on improving yourself and your blog.
Personally, I prefer keeping my not-so-okay posts, as they are a testament to how far I've come and what I have learned since then. I would rather have everything (my achievements and failures) in public than have someone reveal them for me. I value transparency very much. I want those who read my posts to be able to see my progress and growth, whether it be from page hits or post flow. It reminds me that I can always get better, refine myself, and develop further.
4. A stagnant rock gathers moss.
The worst enemy of a successful blogger is being complacent. There is nothing wrong with being satisfied with your work, but believing that you don't have anything else to improve is not only annoying but dangerous.
When I started blogging a decade ago, it was all about being personal and most blogs were text-heavy, informal, and very homey. When I got back from my hiatus a couple years back, most blogs were all about lists of the most well-dressed celebrity or morning routines or top Youtube channels to subscribe to with a lot of extra fillers on the margins and homemade layouts. Nowadays, blogs are better streamlined, with well-placed photos and optimized buttons or plugins. A far cry from the yesteryears. Also, almost everyone, businessmen, companies, even celebrities, have a blog now, multiple blogs even, unlike before where only those who had a lot of free time had blogs.
5. Do not overthink, start now.
I have to admit, the blogging world may look saturated, but like I've said earlier, there will always be a place for another blogger. Whether you are going into this with a goal to be the top blogger ever or just testing the waters, go and start blogging.
You can always learn to do SEO or craft the perfect infographic to go with your post. You can optimize your posts even after a year, add photos or relevant links.
Go and sign up for a blog right now, write your first post, introduce yourself to the world. There will never be the right time to do so than today.