So things didn't really go according to plan this year.
While I can just keep on ranting this whole blog post, I'd rather look forward to what will come.
With that in mind, I made a digital vision board, just like when I was younger, cutting up magazines and sticking them behind my bedroom door.
Here are the things I am envisioning for my 2021
- My Own Office
If the lockdown taught me anything, it’s that I need a tangible or at least a very obvious divide between work and play. Otherwise, it gets all mixed up and I crash. My office has a clear space that I can work in, organised storage area, corkboard and calendar, and a filming setup that I don’t have to remove every now and then.
- My 1st 100k
I have been wanting this for so long and I really believe 2021 is the year for it. This is the year that I will finally see my bank accounts have 6 figures in it. I even edited my Gcash and bank account screenshots so I can visualize it better
- New camera
Specifically, a Canon G7X or Fujifilm XT100. I know, such a stereotypical choice for cameras, but these brands really speak to me, and I think the more specific I am about my vision, the more likely I can achieve it.
- Monthly Giveaways
One of the things I do with my vision boards is that I throw in things that can be easily achieved. For example, giveaways are something that I can easily do. So, definitely look forward to that!
- Consistent Blog Posts
This is something that I have always struggled with, simply because I feel like everything needs to be in the perfect place before I start working. However, I saw this video a couple weeks ago and it just made sense. I implemented it in my social media strategy, and voila, I am now prepared for at least a couple months. Sometimes the most simple solutions are the hardest to see.
- Promotion (because why not?)
This may be a HUGE "suntok sa buwan" -- a Filipino idiom meaning nearly impossible -- but 2021 is my year to flourish so I'm throwing that in there. I'm not shying away from any opportunities to grow this year.
- A House
I'll be 25 next year, and I feel like this is the right time for us to be thinking about our future and settling down. While this is not an immediate need, I definitely look forward to achieving it within the year.
- Side Hustle
I've honestly started working on this and I am getting good results, but I do what to amp it up by 2021. Passive income is the best income, as they say.
- Start-up Business
Another one of my big dreams and I guess it won't hurt to start attracting it into my life?
- Better events, collabs, output, and feed
If there is anything that I can take away from 2020, is that professional relationships matter. No matter how good the deal or the payout is... if you don't feel appreciated or valued, take a step back and reassess the situation. Stepping away from an "awesome" collaboration is better than being treated like you and your skills are disposable.
- Professional Photoshoot
I just think I need a little bit more professionalism in what I do. Well taken photos do wonders, as pictures can say a thousand words. No matter how much others say that "I can do it myself", I still prefer expert guidance.
- Steady Vlog and Video Schedule
This has worked for me in the past and I'd really like to bring it back. So, on the vision board it goes!
- Money Matters: Investments, 52-Week Money Challenge, Streamlined Affiliates, Youtube Partner Program
Already started on these, and so far the only thing that's giving me results is streamlining affiliates. It's hard work and definitely brand new territory, but I'm very motivated to learn more.
- More time for arts and music
I find that I am in a much better mood when I have a creative outlet, so I'm going to have as many as I can.
Last but not the least, I want to be able to finally travel. I want to experience other cities and explore new horizons. I'd probably start very cliche and very tourist-y, but hey, it'll be a start!
And that's it for my 2021 Vision Board! I made mine on Canva using stock photos and I tried to make it as "scrapbook-y" as I can like how I do it with cutouts. I think I made it pretty good right? Not too shabby?
How about you? Do you have visionboards too?