Showing posts with label Haircare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haircare. Show all posts



Taking care of my hair has never been easier thanks to @beamarryph 's Shea Butter Jojoba Hydrate Shampoo and Conditioner!

Been using it for about a week now and my has never been so manageable! ❤️

Will be uploading my 30-day transformation soon, so stay tuned! ❤️

Shot at of of @astrotel_ph Divisoria's Premium rooms

Off to my dream job because I can explore all the #HabamazingPossibilities with Sunsilk! I'm glad I took the chance last January and just submitted my portfolio -- now, I'm living the absolute dream, working with amazing, creative people and being able to focus on my overall health! .

Got my boost of confidence from my hair, which has always been my crowning glory, and I'm glad I have @sunsilkph that helps me grow it out and make sure it stays healthy and shiny! .
Check out @bernadokath's profile to see how you can win some goodies!