Showing posts with label Goals 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals 2017. Show all posts

Let's keep it real: This year started well and is midway through a crash.

I have not achieved any of my set goals, and I am not proud of myself. I was not strict enough with myself and that's quite sad because I know I can do so much more. I guess one of the factors is that I felt like I wasn't So, what I'm going to do is have monthly goals for the rest of the year and take baby steps -- I know I can do it.

And so, here are my monthly goals for the rest of the year;

Finish my acads strong
Blog everyday for August

Upload videos daily
Continue blogging - this time in sync with the video uploads

Post on Instagram daily
Publish 2 Halloween related videos

Attend a Petiki Tirsia Kali class
Attend a Pole Dancing Class

Finish my Christmas shopping early
End my year strong, safe, and happy
Simple goals, baby steps. All in favor of making me realize that I can achieve everything I set my heart to.

*Photo credits to Richard Bamero
23 Jan 2018I was tagged by one of my blogger friends, Liz, to do this post. Check out her blog, Daily Warriors,  and her 2017 Major Goals post. It's a very positive blog (unlike mine, LOL) that I like to visit from time to time to boost my mood and keep me on the right track.

To be honest, I was actually thinking of making a similar New Year Resolutions post to my 2016 one, but this 3 Major Goal post is much better. This way I can stay focused and not be overwhelmed by all the changes I will do.

    Complete the 52-week Money Challenge
    Reach 1,000 subscribers by the end of 2017
    Be a Top Performer both in school and work.

I guess those are all pretty self-explanatory, and I'll just make updates throughout the year to see how far I've gone. I think I'll also keep this post short and sweet, and leave it as is. Simple and straight to the point.

If you'd like to make your own version, feel free to do so! This is a tag post after all! And so, if you're reading this, I tag you! <3