How I miss these stats..
Nowadays my stats are like this.
How disappointing right? I used to workout every single day and now it's a miracle if I even decide to walk short distances. I get out of breath even just by climbing the stairs! I used to be able to run 20 minutes straight on a treadmill and an elliptical. I used to have defined abs and shoulders and now I'm bloated all the time. I can seriously feel my body changing.. for the worse.
So on Saturday, I went back to the gym and stepped on the treadmill for the first time since March. So to be honest, I stopped working out before I had an injury and my favorite coach left the gym (I miss you, Coach Yna!), and I was just really demotivated to work out. So I didn't. And now I have lost a lot of weight but have gained a lot of body fat. The last time I checked, it was 21.6% and now it's a whopping 24.7%. No wonder I feel bloated all the time and I lost all muscle definition I had. As for the treadmill run, I followed the Day 1 of the Couch to 5K app and I almost died. I felt good to sweat again though. And the steaming hot shower at the gym is worth all the pain I'll be going through for the next few days. DOMS is real, you guys.
For now I'm won't be following a diet plan but instead I'll slowly incorporate it into my routine. I don't think dropping junk food cold turkey would be any good for me. By September I hope I can be on the Whole30 diet plan.
Alright. So here's my weekly gym schedule for now, which is similar to what was recommend by my coach, Yna (I miss you much! Paramdam ka naman!).
Monday - Abs & Legs
Tuesday - Butt
Wednesday - Arms & Back
Thursday - Legs & Butt
Friday - Abs & Legs
Saturday and Sunday are my rest days, but I want to try and incorporate finish the Couch to 5K workout plan as well because I want to be able to run a marathon in my lifetime (preferably this year, if there will be any interesting ones).
For my workout routine, I don't really have something in mind, usually I just follow what the gym coach recommends or whatever machine is available that fits my workout requirement for the day. I also stay hydrated during my workout and make sure my form is good and I keep active if I'm going to wait for a bit.
There are some visuals that I found on the internet that I would love to try though. I am particularly interested with the 30-day challenges that are focused for one body part but I've been advised to try those only when I'm physically and mentally ready to avoid injury. Which perfectly makes sense. So maybe I'll try those when I've upped my fitness game a bit.
The third quarter of the year is not really the best time here in the Philippines to start building a "beach body" because it's almost "ber-months" or "beer-months" for my friends. It means there are a lot of celebrations or feasts that will be overflowing with alcohol and food, and all my hard work might go to waste, but I know my newfound determination and my Fitbit Blaze will keep me in check.
I'll try and post about my Couch to 5K journey but I'm not sure how to make fitness posts (and I'm still kind of shy to be all blogger in the gym!!! Edit: Actually, I am super shy at the gym now. I don't know anyone anymore!!!) so that's tentative for now. I'll just focus on blogging daily and sticking to my schedule.
That's all for today my dears. How about you? What's your fitness goal or plan? I'm excited to hear about it!
Nowadays my stats are like this.
How disappointing right? I used to workout every single day and now it's a miracle if I even decide to walk short distances. I get out of breath even just by climbing the stairs! I used to be able to run 20 minutes straight on a treadmill and an elliptical. I used to have defined abs and shoulders and now I'm bloated all the time. I can seriously feel my body changing.. for the worse.
So on Saturday, I went back to the gym and stepped on the treadmill for the first time since March. So to be honest, I stopped working out before I had an injury and my favorite coach left the gym (I miss you, Coach Yna!), and I was just really demotivated to work out. So I didn't. And now I have lost a lot of weight but have gained a lot of body fat. The last time I checked, it was 21.6% and now it's a whopping 24.7%. No wonder I feel bloated all the time and I lost all muscle definition I had. As for the treadmill run, I followed the Day 1 of the Couch to 5K app and I almost died. I felt good to sweat again though. And the steaming hot shower at the gym is worth all the pain I'll be going through for the next few days. DOMS is real, you guys.
For now I'm won't be following a diet plan but instead I'll slowly incorporate it into my routine. I don't think dropping junk food cold turkey would be any good for me. By September I hope I can be on the Whole30 diet plan.
Alright. So here's my weekly gym schedule for now, which is similar to what was recommend by my coach, Yna (I miss you much! Paramdam ka naman!).
Monday - Abs & Legs
Tuesday - Butt
Wednesday - Arms & Back
Thursday - Legs & Butt
Friday - Abs & Legs
Saturday and Sunday are my rest days, but I want to try and incorporate finish the Couch to 5K workout plan as well because I want to be able to run a marathon in my lifetime (preferably this year, if there will be any interesting ones).
For my workout routine, I don't really have something in mind, usually I just follow what the gym coach recommends or whatever machine is available that fits my workout requirement for the day. I also stay hydrated during my workout and make sure my form is good and I keep active if I'm going to wait for a bit.
There are some visuals that I found on the internet that I would love to try though. I am particularly interested with the 30-day challenges that are focused for one body part but I've been advised to try those only when I'm physically and mentally ready to avoid injury. Which perfectly makes sense. So maybe I'll try those when I've upped my fitness game a bit.
The third quarter of the year is not really the best time here in the Philippines to start building a "beach body" because it's almost "ber-months" or "beer-months" for my friends. It means there are a lot of celebrations or feasts that will be overflowing with alcohol and food, and all my hard work might go to waste, but I know my newfound determination and my Fitbit Blaze will keep me in check.
I'll try and post about my Couch to 5K journey but I'm not sure how to make fitness posts (and I'm still kind of shy to be all blogger in the gym!!! Edit: Actually, I am super shy at the gym now. I don't know anyone anymore!!!) so that's tentative for now. I'll just focus on blogging daily and sticking to my schedule.
That's all for today my dears. How about you? What's your fitness goal or plan? I'm excited to hear about it!
My Fitness Plan | Fitness 2017
Janessa Pablo | Multihyphenate
August 08, 2017
How I miss these stats.. Nowadays my stats are like this. How disappointing right? I used to workout every single day a...