Showing posts with label Academics 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Academics 2017. Show all posts

Book 1: Hera and Zeus

An argument escalates to threatening in order to assure Zeus's power.

Book 8: Zeus threatens Hera again so that Hera doesn't interfere.


Book 3: Menelaus and Helen

Menelaus fights for Helen.

Book 6: Hector and Andromache

The two has a tender relationship.

Which marriage is a better example? Immortal or mortal marriage?

In my opinion, the mortal marriages are a better example, as they show that in a way, the men see their wives as equals and value them a lot. For example, in Book 3, we can see how much Menelaus wants Helen back, so much that a war was started for her and that he is willing to fight one on one just to get her back. Additionally, in Book 6, we see Hector and Andromache together on top on the Scaean Gates, where we witness their tenderness for each other. As for the immortal marriage, although we only see Zeus and Hera's relationship, which is mostly Zeus asserting his power over Hera and reiterating that he is more powerful. It is true, yes, but for a marriage, I find it less than appealing and I see marriages as an equal match.

How does an immortal/mortal man treat their women? Their enemies women?

The relationship between men and women are varied, depending on the culture, era and even upbringing. Some view women as the lesser sex, insisting on their dominance and authority. There are of course, men who see women as equals, with the same power and capabilities they have. In this essay, I would like to discuss how, in Iliad, immortal or mortal man treat their women and their enemies' women, detailing an argument that is as old as time itself.

The Iliad starts out with a fight between Achilles and Agamemnon over a girl, which leads to a break in their friendship and Achilles's desertion of the Greeks. Throughout the Iliad, the male and female interaction are few, but notable. In Book 1, we see how the captured women are treated -- as nothing more but prizes that can be traded or passed between two masters. Chryseis, being the daughter of a priest, was saved this fate by having Apollo on her side, but in return, we witnessed Briseis taking her place as Agamemnon's war prize. Do take note of how Achilles reacts to this as well; although he is unwilling, he gives up Briseis, nit because he wanted to protect her or because he values her, but because it would be a blow to his ego to surrender and pay for a sin he didn't commit. In the same book, we also see the relationship of male immortals with female immortals, particularly Zeus and Hera. While it is not blatantly mentioned, we can deduce that they are, in a way, husband and wife. This is supported by the other gods and goddesses referring to them and father and mother. Their relationship seems to be rocky at most, with Hera being a jealous and suspicious woman, and Zeus being dismissive and dominating. It comes to a point that Zeus had to threaten Hera and remind him of how much greater his power is over her. The said claim is supported by Hephaestus's statement too.

Going into Book 3, we encounter Menelaus, Helen and Paris. Menelaus, King of Sparta and rightful husband to Helen, goes to war against Troy, a city that has taken the Greek nearly ten years to subdue. The war is to recover Helen from Paris who has stolen her from Sparta. This is where we are shown either men's attitude towards Helen, their beloved. Menelaus steps up to fight for her, while Paris retreats in fear of Menelaus' righteous wrath. A good question to ask here is this; does Helen's Greek citizenship and bloodline determine who fights for her? Menelaus being Greek as well, is all out with the effort to recover her while Paris of Troy shows doubt and willingness to even face the opposing man for her. Is this a pattern we shall begin to see all throughout the poem? Protect our women and possessions at all costs while leave the enemies' women out in the open, treat them as slaves, as things?

We also see a bit of Zeus' affection for Hera, when we see Paris' escape with the help of Aphrodite. Zeus sends Athena to start the war again, because Hera will not settle for a mere truce. Hera wants Troy burned to the ground and Zeus, in a way grants her request.In the next books the war continue to gather intensity, so much so that the gods interfere and even take part in the war. Particularly in Book 5, we see a father-daughter relationship between Zeus and Aphrodite when the latter is wounded. Zeus warns Aphrodite not to engage in warfare, as she is after all, not a warrior god.

Book 6 features one of the fiercest Trojan heroes, Hector in a completely different light away from the war scene. He turns into an affectionate husband and father, meeting his wife and son, Andromache and Astyanax on top on the Scaean Gates. Judging from his wife's reaction with his insistence of returning to war, we can glimpse and perhaps assume that they have a mutual loving relationship. The setting of their meeting also gives us a minute hint of how important this relationship is.

I know, I know, I'm a bit late into the game, but my school year starts in September, so I didn't really want to rush buying school supplies just to post it early. I also wanted to make sure that I'm going to get the items that I'm actually going to use and I curated my list very strictly. I went from having about 50 items on my list down to 21 items. I'm also planning to get additional items, but they are not priorities right now.

ICYMI, I am a working student, I'm taking up AB Humanities at University of Asia and the Pacific and I'm currently a sophomore. I also got all items from National Bookstore, because it's my favorite store ever!

With that said, here are the items I got;

Notebooks - ₱26.00 each

I have 4 classes this semester (Theatre, Modern Literature, Asia Pacific Studies - Japan and Philosophy Anthropology) and I'm also planning to take up Basic Fashion Styling at SoFA Design Institute which is why I have 5 notebooks. 4 for Acads and one for my extra-curricular class.

I chose this notebooks because I like the size and line spaces because my handwriting is on the big side. The price is just a plus. I'm also not too partial with the design because I'm planning to revamp my notebooks.

Yellow Pad - ₱34.50

Of course, yellow pad. The ultimate basic necessity of a college student.

Plastic Envelope - ₱29.75

To keep all my loose papers.

Index Cards - ₱26.00

I use index cards for everything, from flash cards to notes to additional space in my planner.

Grab & Go pack - ₱100

You guys, this is heaven sent! I literally had most of these items on my list, and when I saw this I immediately got it, because I'd rather pay 100 for 3 items on my list that 300+ for those items from different brands.

Pens - ₱9 each

Of course, I had to get my favorite pens of all time. I like these because they're cheap, but the quality is up to par with expensive pens. I bought several because I always loose these pens.

Correction Tape - ₱25.75

Gotta correct them mistakes y'all.

Colored Paper - ₱15.50 each and Glue Stick - ₱22.00

I'm going to use these to decorate my notebooks, along with any other items I find in my craft box. I'll do a blog post on that as well.

Pencil Case - Gift

I was looking for a basic,. standard, no frills and cheap pencil case but I wasn't able to find any that fit my budget and aesthetic, so I just decided to use this watermelon pouch that I had lying around. My uber trendy friend, Jerrylyn, gave this to me about 2 Christmases ago. I miss you!

And that concludes my Back to School - School Supplies haul! I also made a haul video, so be sure to check that out! Next post will be all about my makeup and lifestyle haul, so be sure to stay tuned for that!

What's your favorite school supply item? Let me know in the comment section below!

So for my Asia Pacific Studies class, we were given the assignment to list down other people's first impression of ourselves and our alias when we were younger. For today's post, I'd like to share with you my class paper. :)


1. The most common impressions that I got from my friends are;

a. Know-it-all
- She always sat in front and was a little too attentive in class, she always answers questions and when she's wrong.
- She always had a book and pen with her and her library list is too long.
- She always answers "based on what I read" or "According to *some author or smart person*".

b. She wants to do it all kind of girl and attention seeker
- She always volunteers for class beadle tasks for each subject and joins clubs or other activities.. on top of her activities outside school. It's like she doesn't sleep.
- She accepts many tasks and then complains about how many things she has to do and that her schedule is filled.
- Her resume is filled with all sorts of seminars and activities
- She's Lakambini of this and Representative of that or Associate of this and Sponsor of that. I think you can find her name in every club and org available and not just a member but an officer. A major officer.

c. Control Freak
- She always writes in her planner and tells everyone what to do in group projects or where to eat or where to go after school. If things doesn't go according to her plan she either gives up or gets mad. She gets scary sometimes.
- She practices presentations too much and always has back-up plans and things for anything that might go wrong.
- When I ask her if we can go somewhere she checks her planner first before saying yes and then dictates the time when we can meet. Then she gets angry when I'm late and how many activities she had to move.

d. Suplada, unapproachable, mataray, high maintenance
- She was always made up and her clothes didn't have any stains or creases. I've never seen her wear 2-inch and below heels.
- She has a "resting bitch face" and when she walks it's like you don't want to stand in her way or talk to her.
- She always seemed occupied with some important thing and you don't want to bother her.

e. Rich kid
- She wears nice things and her clothes look well-made and expensive. She always speaks in English and doesn't know the meaning of some Filipino slang.

I was not surprised with their answers because I hear these most of the time, but I didn't know that I seemed like that to them. They did say that I have kind of relaxed overtime and that I have a lighter side to me.

2. My alias when I was younger was Esang. My nickname, Nessa was changed to Esang to make it uglier because of superstition. My grandmother told me that when I was 2 or 3 years old and was spending my first summer at our ancestral house in Nueva Ecija, I had a lot of imaginary friends and I didn't want to go home. The night before our trip back to Bulacan, I went missing and was found next to an old acacia tree in our manggahan (mango farm) covered in dirt and dried leaves. The caretakers who found me asked where I went and I pointed to the tree and I said that I don't want to leave because my friends would get angry. My elders called an albularyo (witch doctor) who told them to place a doll by the tree and call the doll Nessa and change my name so that the engkantos (tree spirits) would not take me again. We were able to go home to Bulacan and I never had any other imaginary friends. I don't remember being called Esang or staying for more than a day in our ancestral home. I was told this story when I was graduating elementary and had a project about growing up. I was looking for baby pictures and I found a scrapbook with my preschool notes, mementos, etc and the name written was Esang. The weirder part is that this has happened to every firstborn girl of our family's generation ever since my great great great grandfather brought home a girl he got pregnant and his mother didn't accept the girl and made him marry someone else.

So a few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I visited the Ayala Museum. This time, my grandparents and I visited the Philippine National Museum of Arts and Anthropology. And yes, this is for another paper for my Asia Pacific Classes - South East Asia (Hi Mr. Paje!).

First of all, I just want to thank my grandparents for coming with me. I really appreciate the effort they made just to make sure their little girl (me) didn't go alone. Besides, I owe my love for learning to these two. I grew up reading dictionaries, watching the news and documentaries, and listening to myths because they provided that atmosphere. So here I am.

We met up at Jollibee UN Avenue, and so, so, so many memories flooded back to me. We used pull all-nighters in McDonald's to study and have coffee.. because we were so obviously drunk and underage. I used to have breakfast here all the time.. but that's not what this post is about so moving on!

From UN Avenue, we rode a jeepney and got off at the National Museum. What irked me is that I felt like the jeepney driver didn't even offer any other direction or told us what to do next. It was like being scammed and I don't like the feeling at all. We ended up walking at least 15 minutes under the hot sun and I was pissed because I don't like seeing Nanay or Tatay experiencing any difficulties. I actually wanted to ride an Uber but I wasn't able to book any (Thanks, LTRFB).

We finally got in the Philippine National Museum of Arts and was looking around, learning about the paintings and admiring the works of these famous people. We were able to admire the Spolarium, which is a HUGE painting. It's even bigger than my current apartment! I wonder how long Juan Luna painted this.. We also saw the Una Bulaqueña which is one painting that I am very interested about because I read somewhere that she could be from San Miguel, Bulacan, my hometown. Not entirely sure, but according to some research, Una Bulaqueña has already been identified. (I wasn't able to take a picture, unfortunately.)

    Nanay and Tatay admiring the Spolarium

I told Nanay that one day my paintings are going to be hung in a gallery just like this one and she said that I would either have to be very good at it or be rich and famous. Believe me Nay, I'm working on it.
Nanay and Tatay looking at Juan Luna's studio

    Nanay wants to recreate the statue through cross stitch!

After seeing most of the items on display, I realized that we were in the wrong museum. So we went to the Philippine National Museum of Anthropology where I felt much more at home. The items looked familiar and related to my research work.

Maybe we'll go back and explore the Arts building in detail when I take Fine Arts or something.

Here are a few items that caught my attention and are probably going to be the subject of my term paper..

Salaping Pilak from the San Diego shipwreck

    16th Century Astrolabe

    An intricate plow

Gold and Ivory Rosary and Silver Chalice

A few more photo ops.. There were a lot of good places for photos, actually, and I'd love to go back here and have an actual photoshoot. Not sure how that will work though, but we'll figure out a way. There were tons of Instagram worthy spots and the lighting is great!

    We are all National Living Treasures in my opinion.

    My National Living Treasures.

    May forever <3

    Obligatory "tourist-y" photos

    Obligatory "tourist-y" photos

    Showing off my BLAZING highlight

    #OOTD, of course.

    Thank you, Nanay and Tatay :)

Now all that's left is to make a term paper.. 2 pages short bond paper that's at least substance 20, Arial 12 font, 1'' margins and worth A++.

How do I learn the art of ending videos? Is it the same as learning the art of letting go?

Chareng! :D

- Nessa :*


You can find me on the following social media platforms;
Instagram: @czyphr
Facebook: or


• Track Info:

Title: Waves
Artist: Steven O’Brien
Genre: Dance & Electronic
Mood: Inspirational


• Licence:

You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste):

Waves by Steven O’Brien
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Music for Creators


• Contact the artist:


Hello, I'm Nessa, I'm 21 and I film myself doing everyday things and upload them on the internet! I'm your resident Bulakenya in Manila and I'm ready to discover the world through clueless adulting.