Showing posts with label Academics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Academics. Show all posts


Hey there.

Thank you for dropping by.

I want you to know that whatever your 2017 has been for you, it's going to be okay. We're going to be okay. I'm here with you.

For me, 2017 is a year of lessons. I learned that a house doesn't clean itself and that bills don't get paid if I don't. I learned that there's a fine line between friends and enemies. That trusting someone doesn't mean they trust you back. Or that being good and doing good doesn't make everyone else do the same for you. There will always be people who can't help but talk shit behind your back and you can't do anything about it.

Most importantly, I learned to love myself more. I learned that what matters most is my own peace of mind. That this is my body and therefore my responsibility. Yes, I may have a family, a partner, friends and peers who care about me, but no matter how much they make an effort to take care of me, only I am in control. The proper mindset is my main ingredient towards my success.

It’s been a long time since I was made a post like this.. I don’t even remember trying to post like this, like actually trying to put my thoughts on paper. I don’t even see myself as someone who can organize my thoughts.

It’s over. I broke it off. The sad thing is I don’t even know why. So I guess that’s a fuckup on my part. Getting carried away by my emotions. I don’t even know what we fought about, or why. It doesn’t seem like a big deal anymore. But I guess things are like that. Things have to end. Even if you’ve given your absolute best.

I guess I have to start learning how to be alone again. Literally, irrevocably alone. Just like the old times. All I need to think about is myself and no one else. That should be good. This time I can focus on myself. Too bad I’m starting to feel like this is a bad idea and that this is the start of something that feels very familiar.

Like that point in my life that I had to be taken into a hospital because of my pride and stupidity. I guess the what I have to make sure of this time is that I make damn well sure I head for another part of the hospital.

*sigh* I’s love to say “| wonder” but I really don’t. I know why, and I know how. It’s because of stupid, stupid pride that I’ve lost the people I love. Stupid, stupid pride that makes me build walls upon walls upon walls. But I guess that’s how I am, and it’s really hard to change that. I thought I found someone who can at least understand and work through it, but I guess not. So that leads me here. And it leads to the end.

So farewell dreams of forever. I knew from the start you didn’t exist.
I know, I know, I'm a bit late into the game, but my school year starts in September, so I didn't really want to rush buying school supplies just to post it early. I also wanted to make sure that I'm going to get the items that I'm actually going to use and I curated my list very strictly. I went from having about 50 items on my list down to 21 items. I'm also planning to get additional items, but they are not priorities right now.

ICYMI, I am a working student, I'm taking up AB Humanities at University of Asia and the Pacific and I'm currently a sophomore. I also got all items from National Bookstore, because it's my favorite store ever!

With that said, here are the items I got;

Notebooks - ₱26.00 each

I have 4 classes this semester (Theatre, Modern Literature, Asia Pacific Studies - Japan and Philosophy Anthropology) and I'm also planning to take up Basic Fashion Styling at SoFA Design Institute which is why I have 5 notebooks. 4 for Acads and one for my extra-curricular class.

I chose this notebooks because I like the size and line spaces because my handwriting is on the big side. The price is just a plus. I'm also not too partial with the design because I'm planning to revamp my notebooks.

Yellow Pad - ₱34.50

Of course, yellow pad. The ultimate basic necessity of a college student.

Plastic Envelope - ₱29.75

To keep all my loose papers.

Index Cards - ₱26.00

I use index cards for everything, from flash cards to notes to additional space in my planner.

Grab & Go pack - ₱100

You guys, this is heaven sent! I literally had most of these items on my list, and when I saw this I immediately got it, because I'd rather pay 100 for 3 items on my list that 300+ for those items from different brands.

Pens - ₱9 each

Of course, I had to get my favorite pens of all time. I like these because they're cheap, but the quality is up to par with expensive pens. I bought several because I always loose these pens.

Correction Tape - ₱25.75

Gotta correct them mistakes y'all.

Colored Paper - ₱15.50 each and Glue Stick - ₱22.00

I'm going to use these to decorate my notebooks, along with any other items I find in my craft box. I'll do a blog post on that as well.

Pencil Case - Gift

I was looking for a basic,. standard, no frills and cheap pencil case but I wasn't able to find any that fit my budget and aesthetic, so I just decided to use this watermelon pouch that I had lying around. My uber trendy friend, Jerrylyn, gave this to me about 2 Christmases ago. I miss you!

And that concludes my Back to School - School Supplies haul! I also made a haul video, so be sure to check that out! Next post will be all about my makeup and lifestyle haul, so be sure to stay tuned for that!

What's your favorite school supply item? Let me know in the comment section below!
You gave me so much memories. Memories I don't want to forget, but I don't want to remember either..

It's strange, that just when I thought I have forgotten about you, I just had to pass by that place. Your place. I just had to get a whiff of that scent. Your scent. 102.

Quite honestly, I froze, as if the world stopped. Every. Single. Memory. rushed back with no warning.

How we met, how we kissed, how you held me in your arms.

Our late night adventures, spontaneous trips and endless conversations.

Getting high and getting drunk.. in love?

No, never.

It was never love for us. It was the unknown that gave us our bond. My lips were never your drug. It was the taste of someone else, knowing that I was with someone else that turned you on and made you crave and desire me. It was, wasn't it? It was because I made myself available to you anytime and everytime you needed me. I was always there for you in the way I was never available to her. It was my inexperience that drew you in. You knew I was innocent, and you preyed on it. You corrupted me in the best way possible.

You taught me the how to disregard my plans, how to throw caution to the wind. You taught me how to trust in faith and to trust that everything will work out. You taught me to stop expecting anything, because you always did what I least expected. Why? You told me to believe in everything you said and promised, because you'll always do it. You did. Once, maybe twice. You promised that you'll always be there for me. You were, once upon a time. Then you weren't. I expected you to stay, but you didn't. I expected you to be there, but you never came. I expected you say it, but you never did. I expected everything from you, and you were nothing.

I'll blame it on the rose tinted glasses that you gave me, that fogged with the steam of your cooking.

I know my vision's bad, but my glasses were crystal clear. It slowly fogged with the hot plates of food you made for me. With my sighs everytime your lips met. With our heated exchanges everytime we fought. You colored it with red markers to disguise the blazing red flags my friends were waving at me. My vision was no longer bad, I got blinded, and holding on to you was the only direction I had. You lead me, lead me on towards the cliff. You whispered into my ear, saying that you'll catch me.. you'll always be there for me.. but you weren't. I fell. Hard.

I reached the bottom, broken and bloody, with your twisted fairytale to keep me company. I was so shattered.. I forgot myself. I tried building myself into the shape of you, only to fall apart again.

It was so fucking hard and you came.. to watch me.

I wanted you. I wanted to be yours. I wanted to claim you. I wanted you so much that I thought I needed you. I couldn't see anything or anyone else but you..

But you were already gone.

You left with sufficient explanations.. explanations I gave myself. Words that came back eating me alive. Words I wish I never said, because those very same words built my chains I was never able to break.

I spent agonizing days trying to reach you, be with you.. until one day I woke up with clear glasses.. the tint and fog washed away by tears. I stopped running after you, and started rebuilding myself piece by piece into who I really am. I started to see all the blood red flags surrounding you.

I deleted all traces of you, I threw away every single broken piece that resembled you and what we had. I washed all memories of you from the places we used to go.

I felt brand new, and I felt like I was able to move on..

Until that day, that place, that scent..

Fuck you, 102.
Down below people walk the streets
Down below everything seems surreal
Down below it's like a fantasy
Life goes on with or without me

I face the heavens with one tiny prayer
Please guide me away from the edge of the brazier
Take my hand and lead me Lord
I'm not so sure of this letter

I close my eyes and feel the wind rushing by
Like thousands of murmurs and whispers
Welcoming me, seducing me
To be one with the pavement down below
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the beautiful Lilianne Ezperanza!”

Breathe in, breathe out. After seven long years of hiding, this is my big reveal.

Seven long years of repairing, recovering my lost self. Seven years of rebuilding, reshaping my life. It’s amazing really, how five months ruined me, everything I believed in, and everyone I cared for. Five months that had to be reversed by seven years.

I walked out, with my carefully perfected catwalk. I was greeted by flashing lights, by applause. I smiled, nodded at the familiar faces. I was presented with a bouquet of flowers, and smiled my perfect smile, my smile reaching my eyes for the first time in a long time. I looked around, and recognized the movement.

My smile wavered for a bit, but my steely composure will never shatter now. Sure, I remember everything, every word, every action, every single second. But I’m happy to say that I’m over everything now. Honestly, I realize with relief.

I smiled brighter, even laughing with joy.. Real joy this time. With a final wave to my adoring audience, I turn, and go back to the dressing rooms to prepare for the interviews. I glanced back once, and met his eyes.

Those clear brown eyes I know all too well. I’ve seen anger, lust, love, sadness, and insanity in those eyes. I’ve stared into those eyes pleading for salvation, for an end to everything, but I never got any. I remembered the early moments that led me to believe I was in love with someone who finally cared. Someone who actually took the time to understand me, to know me, to memorize every single detail of me.

Those eyes showed me that I can be free, that I can be happy and the world didn’t end. He was my savior from all the creatures under my bed, the monsters inside my head. The one who can make the skeletons in the closet vanish. I can stare into those eyes and say what I want, when I want without any reservations and without fear of being judged.

Sadly, those same eyes were the eyes I stared into while the one who owns them.. I shook myself from the recollections. I promised myself that I would never think of these messages ever again. Not today, not ever. This is all in the past now. I’m over everything that has happened. I have forgiven, I have not forgotten, but I will no longer remember.

I break the eye contact, close my eyes and breathe in, and breathe out. I will be okay. I am okay.

I have moved on.

Inspired by: Unlove You - KZ Tandingan

So for my Asia Pacific Studies class, we were given the assignment to list down other people's first impression of ourselves and our alias when we were younger. For today's post, I'd like to share with you my class paper. :)


1. The most common impressions that I got from my friends are;

a. Know-it-all
- She always sat in front and was a little too attentive in class, she always answers questions and when she's wrong.
- She always had a book and pen with her and her library list is too long.
- She always answers "based on what I read" or "According to *some author or smart person*".

b. She wants to do it all kind of girl and attention seeker
- She always volunteers for class beadle tasks for each subject and joins clubs or other activities.. on top of her activities outside school. It's like she doesn't sleep.
- She accepts many tasks and then complains about how many things she has to do and that her schedule is filled.
- Her resume is filled with all sorts of seminars and activities
- She's Lakambini of this and Representative of that or Associate of this and Sponsor of that. I think you can find her name in every club and org available and not just a member but an officer. A major officer.

c. Control Freak
- She always writes in her planner and tells everyone what to do in group projects or where to eat or where to go after school. If things doesn't go according to her plan she either gives up or gets mad. She gets scary sometimes.
- She practices presentations too much and always has back-up plans and things for anything that might go wrong.
- When I ask her if we can go somewhere she checks her planner first before saying yes and then dictates the time when we can meet. Then she gets angry when I'm late and how many activities she had to move.

d. Suplada, unapproachable, mataray, high maintenance
- She was always made up and her clothes didn't have any stains or creases. I've never seen her wear 2-inch and below heels.
- She has a "resting bitch face" and when she walks it's like you don't want to stand in her way or talk to her.
- She always seemed occupied with some important thing and you don't want to bother her.

e. Rich kid
- She wears nice things and her clothes look well-made and expensive. She always speaks in English and doesn't know the meaning of some Filipino slang.

I was not surprised with their answers because I hear these most of the time, but I didn't know that I seemed like that to them. They did say that I have kind of relaxed overtime and that I have a lighter side to me.

2. My alias when I was younger was Esang. My nickname, Nessa was changed to Esang to make it uglier because of superstition. My grandmother told me that when I was 2 or 3 years old and was spending my first summer at our ancestral house in Nueva Ecija, I had a lot of imaginary friends and I didn't want to go home. The night before our trip back to Bulacan, I went missing and was found next to an old acacia tree in our manggahan (mango farm) covered in dirt and dried leaves. The caretakers who found me asked where I went and I pointed to the tree and I said that I don't want to leave because my friends would get angry. My elders called an albularyo (witch doctor) who told them to place a doll by the tree and call the doll Nessa and change my name so that the engkantos (tree spirits) would not take me again. We were able to go home to Bulacan and I never had any other imaginary friends. I don't remember being called Esang or staying for more than a day in our ancestral home. I was told this story when I was graduating elementary and had a project about growing up. I was looking for baby pictures and I found a scrapbook with my preschool notes, mementos, etc and the name written was Esang. The weirder part is that this has happened to every firstborn girl of our family's generation ever since my great great great grandfather brought home a girl he got pregnant and his mother didn't accept the girl and made him marry someone else.

So a few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I visited the Ayala Museum. This time, my grandparents and I visited the Philippine National Museum of Arts and Anthropology. And yes, this is for another paper for my Asia Pacific Classes - South East Asia (Hi Mr. Paje!).

First of all, I just want to thank my grandparents for coming with me. I really appreciate the effort they made just to make sure their little girl (me) didn't go alone. Besides, I owe my love for learning to these two. I grew up reading dictionaries, watching the news and documentaries, and listening to myths because they provided that atmosphere. So here I am.

We met up at Jollibee UN Avenue, and so, so, so many memories flooded back to me. We used pull all-nighters in McDonald's to study and have coffee.. because we were so obviously drunk and underage. I used to have breakfast here all the time.. but that's not what this post is about so moving on!

From UN Avenue, we rode a jeepney and got off at the National Museum. What irked me is that I felt like the jeepney driver didn't even offer any other direction or told us what to do next. It was like being scammed and I don't like the feeling at all. We ended up walking at least 15 minutes under the hot sun and I was pissed because I don't like seeing Nanay or Tatay experiencing any difficulties. I actually wanted to ride an Uber but I wasn't able to book any (Thanks, LTRFB).

We finally got in the Philippine National Museum of Arts and was looking around, learning about the paintings and admiring the works of these famous people. We were able to admire the Spolarium, which is a HUGE painting. It's even bigger than my current apartment! I wonder how long Juan Luna painted this.. We also saw the Una Bulaqueña which is one painting that I am very interested about because I read somewhere that she could be from San Miguel, Bulacan, my hometown. Not entirely sure, but according to some research, Una Bulaqueña has already been identified. (I wasn't able to take a picture, unfortunately.)

    Nanay and Tatay admiring the Spolarium

I told Nanay that one day my paintings are going to be hung in a gallery just like this one and she said that I would either have to be very good at it or be rich and famous. Believe me Nay, I'm working on it.
Nanay and Tatay looking at Juan Luna's studio

    Nanay wants to recreate the statue through cross stitch!

After seeing most of the items on display, I realized that we were in the wrong museum. So we went to the Philippine National Museum of Anthropology where I felt much more at home. The items looked familiar and related to my research work.

Maybe we'll go back and explore the Arts building in detail when I take Fine Arts or something.

Here are a few items that caught my attention and are probably going to be the subject of my term paper..

Salaping Pilak from the San Diego shipwreck

    16th Century Astrolabe

    An intricate plow

Gold and Ivory Rosary and Silver Chalice

A few more photo ops.. There were a lot of good places for photos, actually, and I'd love to go back here and have an actual photoshoot. Not sure how that will work though, but we'll figure out a way. There were tons of Instagram worthy spots and the lighting is great!

    We are all National Living Treasures in my opinion.

    My National Living Treasures.

    May forever <3

    Obligatory "tourist-y" photos

    Obligatory "tourist-y" photos

    Showing off my BLAZING highlight

    #OOTD, of course.

    Thank you, Nanay and Tatay :)

Now all that's left is to make a term paper.. 2 pages short bond paper that's at least substance 20, Arial 12 font, 1'' margins and worth A++.

July 23, 2017.

Our school assignment was to visit the Ayala Museum and write a two-page paper about it. I didn't want to go alone and so I asked my boyfriend to come with me. We've wanted to have a "museum date" for so long and finally we were able to. Being in a long distance relationship and having two hectic schedules doesn't really give us much time.

But this post isn't about that.

It's the satisfaction of finally being able to do something you've always wanted to do, and have your special someone experience it with you.

As a couple, we value learning a lot. We met in back in college and while I have gone a separate way that what we've imagined, we've always reminded each other that lessons are not just in school but around us. We've always challenged each other and have never run out of topics to debate and argue about. I feel very blessed to have him in my life, despite all the ups and downs.

While going around the museum, we were talking about our future, that we hope someday our future kids would share the same love for learning, the interest in looking back in our history and celebrating the uniqueness that is our very own.

This post was inspired by this post: Satisfaction

Love me like how you used to

With passion

With assurance

With fidelity
Love me like yesterday

Feisty and fierce

Honest and true

A sweet escape
Love me like when I was yours



Love me forever

In your heart

In your mind

In your soul
Until the seven years have passed

And you are brand new.
We are more or less strangers.

Strangers with a past.

Strangers who kiss,

Strangers who hug.
Strangers who walk beside each other

Holding hands in the dark.
We are more or less strangers.

Back to zero.

Saying I love you

But some things are hardly true
But still

It ruined you, me, and everything
I'm trying to build it up

Go back to how it used to

It's unending and hard

But for you I'll pursue
You are my life, my love, my everything

Wait for me at the end of the string.

My first ever vlog!

I know it's very shakey, and I'm sorry about that -- still learning I guess. Expect more videos from me soon!

Love, Nessa :*


You can find me on the following social media platforms;
Instagram: @czyphr
Facebook: or


Song: Prismo - Weakness [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

[Connect with NCS]

Take a deep breath.

In.. Out..

You can do this.

Right from the start you knew things won't end well, yet you pursued it. You knew this will be nothing but trouble and heart ache, but that didn't stop you.

You closed your eyes, and took a step, then a second, and another.. into whatever this may bring.

It brought you adrenaline, smiles, adventure. It brought something different, something new.

It also brought you sleepless nights, moments of doubt and wondering why you let yourself be an option.

That hit a nerve didn't it? That's fine. Everything is going to be alright.

Just like the first time, close your eyes, take one step, a second one and another.. This time, walk away, far away and never look back.
Before you met her, she already had a life of her own. That's what attracted you to her in the first place. That she was fierce and independent and amazingly, so amazingly stubborn. That she never backed down from any challenge or let someone else intimidate her. You loved her confident stride and how her head was always held up high. How there was always a bounce in her step, a smile on her lips and determination in her eyes.

She's fire, she's the sea. Her bubbly personality can change to a savage one should someone she cares about gets hurt. She can be a sinner or a saint. A princess and a warrior. She was the girl of your dreams and nightmares.

And so you pursued her. Cherished her and treated her far better than any other. Made her feel special, got to know her on a more personal level. Called and texted her every minute of every day. You met her parents, the two most important people in her entire world. You met her bestfriends, spent every possible free time with her and cared for her like no one could. You earned her trust, her affection, her love. She said yes.

It started with small things. Things you asked her to change and she complied. She thought it was cute and that it was manageable. She adjusted for you, and you for her. It was perfect. There were times when you argued and fought, yes, but after some down time and kisses, you were good as new.

What changed?

From little things, it went on to how she dressed, where she went, who she's with and even what she said. She obeyed as much as she could to keep the peace, but some days she just can't. Little by little you chipped off pieces of her true self and tried to fit her in your cookie cutter mold. Each tiny cut bled, and with her blood, out flowed a bit of her love. Her trust. Her affection.

She tried to heal herself, made herself into what you've always dreamed of and tried to fight for both of you. She tried to recover what she lost and willed herself to stay and persevere and hold on. She bound her old self and secured it with every ounce of conviction she has. She wanted to appease you, whatever gods you're trying to sacrifice her true self to.

However, the more she bound herself to you, the more she fights herself. It's a never ending battle, one she doesn't want to admit defeat because doing so would mean losing you. You're all that she has and you're all that she loves and only time will tell if she'll ever learn how to love without you. She's scared of what the future will bring and what will happen if she takes another blow.

Do you understand?

It's been two years and although friendship is your foundation and love is your shield, it isn't enough. There's also compromise and communication and understanding and freedom and a lot more other factors to keep you going. Right from the start you knew she's not one to back down, or break down or submit to others. For you she did. She's not one to change, or adjust or sacrifice. For your relationship, she did. She's not one for tears, or apologies. To keep the peace, she did.

I'm not saying it's a one-way street, that you did nothing. I only want you to realize that pushing her too much to the edge might make her decide to close her eyes and just jump to her death. Your relationship's death. She's fighting for both of you, trying to make you understand her side and making you see reason. She's trying to hold on and keep her faith and believe in you that you'll come around. Take her hand and pull her up.

Put your arms around her and remember all your promises that you'll be there for her and support and be her number one fan. Remember that this girl, your woman, doesn't need a bodyguard. She needs a companion. She needs a coach, a cheerleader, a motivator. She needs someone who'll hold her hands, tell her that she can and encourage to become her best self. She's a warrior in her own right, and she can stand on her own two feet.

You know that right?

That's why you fell in love with her in the first place. Because she's different and she's  unique and one of a kind. Because she's an outcast, but she wears that badge with pride. Because she's never a princess, waiting for others to do the job for her. She's a motherfucking queen who gets shit done and gets her hands dirty if it means being able to resolve the problem. Because she's the first one to say yes and lend a hand and show others that there's another way out. She's a trendsetter, a trailblazer, a whistle blower.

She's your queen. She's your woman. She's your other half. She's your mirror. She's best friend and worst enemy. She's your toughest competitor. She's yours, and will only stay yours if open your eyes.
Coz I'm sleepy this seems like the perfect time to talk about what I don't usually talk about.

See, I can be myself here. i can post whatever I want without anyone judging me. Or maybe I just don't really care. IDK really.

I'm all over the place.

Is it obvious?

I think so.

I have so many thoughts running through my mind that I can't seem to take one and focus on it. So many ideas.

And yet.

Here I am without anything on my hands.

I'm just so fucking confused I guess.

Why am I confused, I don't know. Or maybe I do, I just don't want to accept it.

I have some two hours left to gather my thoughts and appear happy to everyone again.

I think this is just a sugar crash talking. Feeling low all of sudden.. That's not my way anymore right? I'm over that.

Or am I?

Fuck this.

I'm going nowhere.

Adios for now.
Don't fall in love me, that's the only warning I'll give you.

Don't fall in love with me, no matter how much you're tempted.

No matter how much you want to.

I beg of you, don't fall in love with me.

Previously I warn myself not to fall for you, but I've realized there's no danger that I will, because I can't. Because I'm already  in love with someone else, and my heart doesn't work that way.

And so now, it's you that I have to protect from myself.

Please don't fall in love with me.

What we have is uncertainty, but we need not to be reminded. What good would it bring, except ruin the present? And so take my hand, and deeper into this mess we go. With our hands entwined we'll face whatever this may bring, whether it be salvation or flames.

We can have our fun, make ourselves believe we're the last two humans on earth, we can make time stop or make it go faster. We can enjoy the stolen moments, we can make false promises. We can conquer the world. We can make our own world.

But remember this. At the end, when I have to choose, I will not choose you. I can't choose you.

You're not the one I love.
I can't keep you out of my head.

I can't seem to function without a glimpse of you.

That smile you make, the laugh you let out. Your jokes, your stories, your entire being.

This is a battle of hearts and I'm on the losing side. I know we can make a truce but what thrill would that be? Shall we just continue this risky behavior and let ourselves be caught in the moment? Forget the past, forget the future, ignore the audience and whatever will happen?

Shall I let myself be lead on while thinking I'm the one with the winning card? I know I am putting myself in jeopardy, I know I'm being naive. But what good would smartness be, if the cost is losing you?

But I should. I should and I have to leave. But not right now, perhaps when it's a little too late. Perhaps when I'm in too deep and there's no escape but eternal flames.

I remember a song I wrote a few years ago, while I was watching a couple fighting in public. I didn't know back then that song will be my anthem now.

Ika'y pangarap na aking di makakamit, ika'y magiging akin lang sa panaginip. You're a wish I'll never get, you can only be mine in my dreams.

I can change things, you know? Stake my claim and call you mine. But to do so would be throwing away something far more precious, and far more rooted in me. Changing things would mean admitting secrets I wish to keep from you till I die, and exposing myself naked to all the eyes of the world.

I can't do that. Not when I feel that this is nothing but a game. Not when I know there's someone else. Not when I'm not the only one.

Nor will I ever be.

That's our thorn, you see. I want to be the only one for you.

And I can't be.

Not when you're not the only one for me.
Right from the start I knew you were going to be trouble for me. You're the type of guy I can have a dangerous relationship with. The one I can wrap around my little finger and consume my entire being.

One event and several bottles of mojitos later, you're knocked out and I was the one cleaning up after you. Another party and the tables have turned.

From that point onward something snaps in both of us.

I would describe it as two souls recognizing each other, and knowing this is not the right time. This is not the right place. This is not the right person.

I am not  a free woman, and you are a free man. We are both committed. Me, to my beloved, and you, to whoever the lucky woman will be.

Whatever this is, whatever we are right now will only be a passing fancy and nothing more. This is but a game that bored people play, the dangerous game which holds all of hearts at stake.

It's the modern version of courtly love, of whispered promises and false offerings of hope. These butterflies you give me, the shivers done my spine are the effects of an infatuation I am hopelessly trapped in.

We have played this game before, and as always, I will guard my heart with walls of steel, walls of stone, walls of ice. I will cover the path with sharp thorns laced with poison. I will not let myself fall.

Your words speak sincerity and your actions do the same.

But I can not trust you. Not fully. Not truly. Not ever.

It hurts and it pains me, that one day you may read this and realize the evil being that I am, playing with your feelings. Or maybe you will rejoice and see the effect you have on me.

I try and ignore you but end up waiting for your texts and calls. I avoid you at work but pray to God I see you even just one time.

We meet outside of work and go on trips around the metro.

You make me feel special.

I know it's wrong but it feels so damn good.

My conscience eats me alive at night.

What are you doing to me?

Is it just the same of what I am doing to you?

Or am I right to assume that this nothing but a game of courtly love?
There are a lot of thing I am
There are a lot of things I'm not..
There's a happy side of me
There's one drowning in tears
It seems to me that I am no longer her
That girl who once vowed to conquer the world
My strength seems drained
My smile seems cold
I look in the mirror and I see none
Seems like I've disappeared now
I feel trapped once again
Why does freedom flee?
Yesterday my own sins bind me
But now another's trap me
The chains are stronger now
My own mind suffocates me
My own thoughts invalidate me
My is it that I bear this curse
It seems like a never ending race
Who will win, who is the victor
Will my darkness prevail
Or will hope once again recover me


Disclaimer: These were written during one of the darkest points of my life. I have since recovered and I just wanted to share what helped me survive. :)