Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts

Book 1: Hera and Zeus

An argument escalates to threatening in order to assure Zeus's power.

Book 8: Zeus threatens Hera again so that Hera doesn't interfere.


Book 3: Menelaus and Helen

Menelaus fights for Helen.

Book 6: Hector and Andromache

The two has a tender relationship.

Which marriage is a better example? Immortal or mortal marriage?

In my opinion, the mortal marriages are a better example, as they show that in a way, the men see their wives as equals and value them a lot. For example, in Book 3, we can see how much Menelaus wants Helen back, so much that a war was started for her and that he is willing to fight one on one just to get her back. Additionally, in Book 6, we see Hector and Andromache together on top on the Scaean Gates, where we witness their tenderness for each other. As for the immortal marriage, although we only see Zeus and Hera's relationship, which is mostly Zeus asserting his power over Hera and reiterating that he is more powerful. It is true, yes, but for a marriage, I find it less than appealing and I see marriages as an equal match.

How does an immortal/mortal man treat their women? Their enemies women?

The relationship between men and women are varied, depending on the culture, era and even upbringing. Some view women as the lesser sex, insisting on their dominance and authority. There are of course, men who see women as equals, with the same power and capabilities they have. In this essay, I would like to discuss how, in Iliad, immortal or mortal man treat their women and their enemies' women, detailing an argument that is as old as time itself.

The Iliad starts out with a fight between Achilles and Agamemnon over a girl, which leads to a break in their friendship and Achilles's desertion of the Greeks. Throughout the Iliad, the male and female interaction are few, but notable. In Book 1, we see how the captured women are treated -- as nothing more but prizes that can be traded or passed between two masters. Chryseis, being the daughter of a priest, was saved this fate by having Apollo on her side, but in return, we witnessed Briseis taking her place as Agamemnon's war prize. Do take note of how Achilles reacts to this as well; although he is unwilling, he gives up Briseis, nit because he wanted to protect her or because he values her, but because it would be a blow to his ego to surrender and pay for a sin he didn't commit. In the same book, we also see the relationship of male immortals with female immortals, particularly Zeus and Hera. While it is not blatantly mentioned, we can deduce that they are, in a way, husband and wife. This is supported by the other gods and goddesses referring to them and father and mother. Their relationship seems to be rocky at most, with Hera being a jealous and suspicious woman, and Zeus being dismissive and dominating. It comes to a point that Zeus had to threaten Hera and remind him of how much greater his power is over her. The said claim is supported by Hephaestus's statement too.

Going into Book 3, we encounter Menelaus, Helen and Paris. Menelaus, King of Sparta and rightful husband to Helen, goes to war against Troy, a city that has taken the Greek nearly ten years to subdue. The war is to recover Helen from Paris who has stolen her from Sparta. This is where we are shown either men's attitude towards Helen, their beloved. Menelaus steps up to fight for her, while Paris retreats in fear of Menelaus' righteous wrath. A good question to ask here is this; does Helen's Greek citizenship and bloodline determine who fights for her? Menelaus being Greek as well, is all out with the effort to recover her while Paris of Troy shows doubt and willingness to even face the opposing man for her. Is this a pattern we shall begin to see all throughout the poem? Protect our women and possessions at all costs while leave the enemies' women out in the open, treat them as slaves, as things?

We also see a bit of Zeus' affection for Hera, when we see Paris' escape with the help of Aphrodite. Zeus sends Athena to start the war again, because Hera will not settle for a mere truce. Hera wants Troy burned to the ground and Zeus, in a way grants her request.In the next books the war continue to gather intensity, so much so that the gods interfere and even take part in the war. Particularly in Book 5, we see a father-daughter relationship between Zeus and Aphrodite when the latter is wounded. Zeus warns Aphrodite not to engage in warfare, as she is after all, not a warrior god.

Book 6 features one of the fiercest Trojan heroes, Hector in a completely different light away from the war scene. He turns into an affectionate husband and father, meeting his wife and son, Andromache and Astyanax on top on the Scaean Gates. Judging from his wife's reaction with his insistence of returning to war, we can glimpse and perhaps assume that they have a mutual loving relationship. The setting of their meeting also gives us a minute hint of how important this relationship is.

Hi! Glad to see you, how are you feeling?

I'm doing good, very inspired to be honest. I've just had my sixth cup of coffee and I'm buzzing like crazy! I have written at least five blog posts ready to be published and I love it! It finally feels like I'm getting back on track and I'm very productive and it's the best feeling ever! I hope I can sustain this even without coffee.

Anyway, today I'm sharing with you my top 5 favorite Pinay Youtubers. This is in no order whatsoever, these are just the people that I love watching everytime I go online. As in, I get excited when I see they have new posts! I'll also link one of their recent videos here so you can check them out!

Anne Clutz

I like her because she's like my kikay tita who's always updated with makeup happenings and is just so excited to share her new finds with me. Her reviews are substantial and I usually depend on her for items I can try that works well with oily skin. Her vlogs are nice too, I usually watch her vlogs while I'm cleaning up the house, it makes me feel less alone. LOL

Anna Cay

OMG THIS GIRL! She's seriously someone I aspire to. I feel like if you want to be successful on Youtube, Anna would be the best role model. I love watching her videos from the very start up to where is now because I can really see her growth and how she has improved. Her personality is also very endearing. She's the rich-rich kind of girl, like, she doesn't feel the need to prove that she's rich, she just is and she just shows her true self. No pretentions at all and that why I love her. She has a lot of variety too.

Ana Victorino

I've been a fan of her since day one. I love how concise her makeup tutorials are and how she always does something creative. When I saw her posting again, I was so happy because I really missed watching her videos. She's literally a chameleon and I get most of my makeup inspirations from her because I think we have similar features (big eyes and lips). Her tutorials are always quick and easy to follow, and the looks always come out very polished. I know how it is to film videos like hers and I admire her for making it information packed but still quick. As I said, concise.

Haley Dasovich

If I need a confidence booster, I watch her and her brother, Wil Dasovich. They just inspire me to do more and do better. They show me that I can achieve what I want, but I have to absolutely go for it. I have to fuel my goals with passion and perseverance. I love her Youtube growth story too. It just shows that with the right mindset, you can do anything and I love that she's living proof.
Haley and Wil, by the one in a million chance that you're reading this, I hope that you know that you two are awesome people. What you're going through right now is a challenge I know you'll be able to survive.

Kris Lumagui

If you need a dose of energy, check this girl out! She's fun, fierce and talented. I love that everytime she films, even the simplest videos, her looks are creative. It shows that her videos are well planned and thought out, and I like that. We're also friends on Facebook, and I love that she answers private messages and comments. It makes fan girling about her really easy and it makes me feel valued. Like, the personal touch that mainstream celebrities sometimes lack. Congratulations on your pregnancy, Ate Kris!

And those are my top five favorite Pinay Youtubers! I know, the first three literally have the same name, but they have vastly different personalities, which is super cool in my opinion.
Maybe next time I'll post about my top five foreign Youtubers, but I haven't watched a lot of foreign Youtubers lately because I just didn't feel like it.

But enough blabbing.

Thank you so much for reading and do let me know who your favorites are in the comments below!
Hey guys!


That's bit too common. I think I'll call you "Babe". You are all babes to me! Para maiba diba? (I hope my boyfriend doesn't get mad lol. He's lurking here somewhere 😂)

Let's start again.

Hey babe! Today I'm sharing with you my first haul on this blog for this year! 

First beauty related post too! I wasn't really planning to buy anything, but I needed a stable wifi connection to finish my homework so I went to Glorietta. Three hours later I ended up with this stuff. Just kidding. I was actually trying to find white shoes because mine gave up a few weeks back.. and because I failed to budget my money prior to going to the mall, I ended up in Landmark with a few "necessary" items... 

The Sassa activewear was on a 50% off sale, and I was able to dig up (you know how sale piles look) a plain black jogging pants in my size. I've been a fan of Sassa because of the quality, but I've only got their items during sales because the prices are a little out of budget. These pants were but now it's only 275. 

Next is a generic sports bra that cost me 179. There were a lot of choices, surprisingly, and I tried on a lot. The only one that met my standard was this one. I also got some plain socks from Surplus worth 100, because mine needs replacing. Hehe, I think the main reason why I got workout clothes is because I want to inspire and chide myself into working out. Sayang naman pera kung di ko susuot diba? It worked the first time I went to the gym, and I'm quite sure it'll work now. :) 

Now, we go to MAKEUP!!! I am so excited for these items, because they are cheap but good quality and well made. It'sa bonus that it's local brands too. The first items I saw were the Careline lippie which I've been on the hunt since I saw the ig stories. And now, I've got themm!! I desperately want to wear them but i want to make a first impressions review on my youtube channel so watch out for that! I also got a ltd from eb. I actually recommended this to my friend and she loved it, so I wanted to get my own. 

I'll do a review of this as well. Last but not the least, I have my favorite x10000 blush and contour duo which I have missed badly ever since I hit pan on it. It was the first blush I hit the pan of! I don't really want powder blush hehe Then, the saleslady was really nice and gave me a free item! I think I'll use this for my 500 challenge And that's the damage done! But hey, I believe I deserve it. I've been super stressed and down from working (eating) so hard these past few months that I need (retail) therapy! I have also wanted these items and have thought about ourchasibg these -- okay that's a lie, scratch that. 

Thank you so much for reading! What's your latest purchase?

How do I learn the art of ending videos? Is it the same as learning the art of letting go?

Chareng! :D

- Nessa :*


You can find me on the following social media platforms;
Instagram: @czyphr
Facebook: or


• Track Info:

Title: Waves
Artist: Steven O’Brien
Genre: Dance & Electronic
Mood: Inspirational


• Licence:

You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste):

Waves by Steven O’Brien
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Music for Creators


• Contact the artist:


Hello, I'm Nessa, I'm 21 and I film myself doing everyday things and upload them on the internet! I'm your resident Bulakenya in Manila and I'm ready to discover the world through clueless adulting.

First time to ever use sound effects! I'm slowly learning things and applying techniques I'm been reading about! Let's see where this goes ~ :)

- Nessa :*


You can find me on the following social media platforms;
Instagram: @czyphr
Facebook: or


• Track Info:

Title: Free Your Soul
Artist: Elexive
Genre: Dance & Electronic
Mood: Bright


• Licence:

You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description:
Elexive - Free Your Soul by Elexive
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0


• Optional support (Thanks)

Please provide the following in the description of your upload:
Free Your Soul - Elexive:

And here's me spending my weekend at my hometown with my beloved family!

Everyone will leave you except your kin -- by blood or by soul. :*

- Nessa :*


You can find me on the following social media platforms;
Instagram: @czyphr
Facebook: or


Connect with NCS

Phantom Sage

Music: Phantom Sage - MIKO [NCS Release]

New month, new beginnings.

This April I plan to workout everyday. Not sure if that's going to be realistic, but hey, a girl can dream. I also plan on blogging everyday (here we go again lol) but no pressure. I think I'm just going to be able to blog everytime I'm in the office, but outside, I don't think so. We'll see. :)

Plans for April.. aside from daily workouts and exercises.. not much.

I don't really have much to talk about, as crazy as that sounds like. I feel like all my creative juices have dried up and I really want to "wake it up". Maybe start with writing? Painting? I don't fucking know. I just want to go with the flow right now.

Today's workout would entail 6 app-based workout good for about 30 minutes and then my own mix of a 30 day challenge. Here's day one;

6 Tricep Dips
4 Pushups
8 Mountain Climbers
15 Situps
5 Crunches
5 Leg Raises
10s Plank
10 Dumbell Presses
2 Judos
5 Dumbell Flyers
2 Spiderman Pushups
15 Squats
5 Bridges
10 Lunges
15 Jump Squats
15 Side Lunges
15 Burpees
20s Plank

Now seeing it listed, I am kind of daunted.. But hey. I need to do this fror myself. I gained seven fucking kilos in six weeks due to methylprednisone, and I want those seven kilos off pronto! I mean, if I can gain that in six weeks, then I can shed it off.

I'm going to try and use a mix of Interminnent Fasting and calorie deficit for my diet. Less rice,


by on March 31, 2017
4/1 New month, new beginnings. This April I plan to workout everyday. Not sure if that's going to be realistic, but hey, a girl can dr...