Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts
Brand: Czyphr Productions
Motto: Qui audet adipiscitur
Subject: Before 25, the five-year or so journey
Name history: Czyphr (Zahy-Fir) Grandparents' names: Cirila (Czy) Fernando (Phr)

Hi, my name is Nessa, and I'm a 20-year old call center agent who wants to document my twenties, and achieve my #Before25 goals. I am a Customer Service Representative II for Fitbit.

This blog will be all about my life, my dreams, achievements, mistakes, realizations and lessons learned throughout the years. Blogging has been a long-time project of mine, but I haven't had the time to focus on it. Now, I have all my resources and my life has been slowly coming together into the vision that I have, and so I'd like to share it with the rest of the world, and as something to look back on as well.

Right now I'm focusing on my health and staying true to my 2016 Resolutions, and so you'll mostly see posts about that. I'm also taking my skincare regimen quite seriously since it's never too late to start taking care of my skin more. Posts regarding these topics will revolve around weekly or bi-monthly progress reports.

I see myself having my own house and a college graduate by the time I'm twenty-five. For a more indepth discussion of my #Before25 goals, please refer to this masterlist.

I'm still trying to get the hang of this, and please bear with me. I'll try to post every week or so, but no promises as of the moment.

Future possible posts can include fashion and beauty posts, product reviews, book and movie reviews/comparisons, travel notes, diary entries and current events opinions.

You can find me on the following social media platforms;
Instagram: @czyphr
Facebook: or
It's the last day of the week everyone (for me, at least), and although I feel like this is more for a start of a new week kind of post, I wanted to share this video today because we don't just need motivation at the start of everything, but all through out our journey. Maybe we need a little more push, maybe we need the last nudge to reach the finish line.

This is a video made by Mateusz M, and I saw this video at the right time, the right place, with the right person. I'm very lucky to be in a company where we can approach our leaders (not boss) at any time we want and they will talk and listen to us like a person and value our opinion. Our Operations Manager showed this video to us to empower our team during a time that I was feeling lost and it was reflecting on my metrics, and it just became one of my favorite motivational videos. every line touched me and well, empowered me. So much so that I have this saved on my phone and I watch it every time I feel low and like I can't do anything else to move forward, and believe me, it works.

Watch the video, and I'm sure you'll be able to take something from it.


The lines that really struck me were the following;

    So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

You guys know what I'm currently, going through, and most of the time I can't help but wonder why I'm going through this, why does it have to me.. and the only answer I can think of is to have faith that the God and universe and whoever deity out there has a plan.

    And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
    If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking, and don’t settle.

I guess maybe this is why I feel like I'm always mediocre, because I don't love what I do.. I used to, and it paid off so well, but I fell out of love.. So I have rediscover that love and find my passion again, something that I'll be able to sustain (Hello, blogging :D).

    Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
    They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

Like what I said in a previous post, I already knew who I was, and I lost that, looking for something that I already had. Which doesn't make sense, but it does... right?

    At the end of your feelings is nothing,
    but at the end of every principle is a promise.

This got me thinking. What's a principle? What 's my principle? I've heard of this term since time immemorial but it seems like I don't even know what it is, or if I even have one.

Principle: a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

Hmm. So I guess my principle is Qui audet adipiscitur. She who dares, wins. This comes from the British Special Air Service, although their English version is just "Who dares, wins".

    Everyday you say “no” to your dreams, you might be pushing your dreams back a whole six months, a whole year! That one single day, that one day you didn’t get up could have pushed your stuff back, I don’t know how long.

This really, really, really shook me to my core. How many times have I postponed filming a video, or updating my blog, or even getting up to go to work and class? How many times have I done that and pushed back my dream? How much would I have accomplished if I decided to just do it instead of procrastinating. I've wasted so much time, but never again. This time I'll commit. Seriously.

    If you don’t discipline and contain your emotion, they will use you.

Oh, how many times have I used my feelings to validate getting off track or not going according to plan.. It's quite disappointing. But I will change and improve and I won't let my feelings get in the way of my goals again.

    You want it and you’re going to go all out to have it.


    Accept where you are and the responsibility that you’re going to take yourself where you want to go.

No more whining about where I am right now, and that I hate this so much. I have to accept that this is my place right now, but it's not my place in the future. I will move forward and push forward and exceed my goals.

    It doesn’t matter about what happened to you. What matter is what are you going to do about it.

I know, Mateusz, I know.

    This year I will make this goal become a reality.


As my OM said, he watches this whenever he's demotivated and when he doesn't feel like going the extra mile for us.. and after watching it, he feels the exact opposite. It makes him believe in us again and trusting us to reach our goals with him.

I hope this helps you as much as it helped (and still helps) me. Always believe in yourself, because you are unique and no one else can match your potential and capability.

Credits to Mateusz M, thank you for this wonderful motivational video. I'm a fan of your work now. :)

A shout out to my OM too, Mr. Jul Byron Labro! Thank you for all the advice and encouragement that you've continuously provided us. We, the Chat Pilipinas, are very lucky to have you as our OM. :)

Welcome to Czyphr Productions!

So, about a week ago, I got my sign on whether I should or should not start this.. project. I got my admission letter! I wanted to start this earlier this year but I felt like I don't really have something to bring to table, if you know what I mean. But now I have this, I do, and I want to share my journey with all of you.

Starting today, and hopefully until I turn 25, I will be using this channel and my blog to document my life as a young adult! The ups and downs of being loaded during payday and being broke the next day, learning how to compute taxes, budget my money, travel to a place I didn't know exist until it became a promo package and so on. I'm not really sure where this will take me, or how this channel would grow, but I'd just like to start. Because I know, if I don't, I won't ever. So I set myself a deadline, that I have to start uploading on the 1st of September. So here we are.

With all that ramble, I suppose it's time to introduce myself. My name is Janessa, 20 years old and I'm a fully independent young woman. I am working as a Customer Service Representative in Makati, Philippines, aiming to be a Learning Services Specialist in a year or two. I'm also a student at University of Asia and the Pacific, taking up Bachelor of Arts in Humanities. I'm a proud Bulakenya and I love all things caffeinated.

As mentioned before, I seriously don't know what video to put up next, although I have some videos filmed already. Just a matter of deciding which one to upload first. In terms of my video "genre", I guess it's Lifestyle? Since I'll be posting about my life and my experiences in "the real world"? I'm not really sure. As for the post schedule, I'm aiming for a weekly post, but I'll have to check if that's the best schedule for me. Let's all figure it out along the way.

Anyway, let's talk about more definite things such as my mini thank you gift to everyone of you who took a bit of your time and watched this video. As a token of thanks and to celebrate the launch of my little corner in the interwebs, I am hosting a giveaway. There will be two winners, one from Instagram and one from Youtube.

For the Instagram part, the prize is PhP500 Gift certificate from my favorite coffee shop, the RK tambayan and saviour of #TeamNoSleep, Starbucks. The rules are as follows.

1. Follow me on Instagram @czyphr.
2. Take a selfie, and caption it with one thing that you love about your self.
3. Use the hashtags # CzyphrProductionsLaunch and #CzyphrProductionsGiveaway
4. Tag me, @czyphr and two of your friends.

For the Youtube part, the prize is PhP500 Gift card from my favorite mall and the reason why my wallet is empty, SM. Coz you know, they've got it all for you unlike your ex. The rules are as follows;

1. Subscribe to my channel, yt.xom/JanessaPablo
2. Like the video.
3. Leave a request/suggestion in the comments section.
4. Share the video on social media (there will be a link to facebook post that you can share, and please tag the page "Czyphr Productions")

1. This is for Philippine residents only. If 18 and below, please ask for parents/guardians' permission before joining.
2. Winners will be picked by random via online generator.
3. The giveaway will end on the 1st of October 2016.
4. Winners will be announced one-two weeks after the giveaway ends, and will be posted via facebook and Instagram post and Youtube video.
5. Prizes can be claimed either via post or via meetup (if possible).
6. If the winner/s doesn't contact me in 72 hours after the announcement, I will pick a new winner.

So there you go! If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment or send me a message.

Thank you so much for dropping and hope to see you again soon!

 "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the beautiful Lilianne Ezperanza!"

Breathe in, breathe out. After seven long years of hiding, this is my big reveal.
Seven long years of repairing, recovering my lost self. Seven years of rebuilding, reshaping my life. It's amazing really, how five months ruined me, everything I believed in, and everyone I cared for. Five months that had to be reversed by seven years.
I walked out, with my carefully perfected catwalk. I was greeted by flashing lights, by applause. I smiled, nodded at the familiar faces. I was presented with a bouquet of flowers, and smiled my perfect smile, my smile reaching my eyes for the first time in a long time. I looked around, and recognized the movement.
My smile wavered for a bit, but my steely composure will never shatter now. Sure, I remember everything, every word, every action, every single second. But I'm happy to say that I'm over everything now. Honestly, I realize with relief.
I smiled brighter, even laughing with joy.. Real joy this time. With a final wave to my adoring audience, I turn, and go back to the dressing rooms to prepare for the interviews. I glanced back once, and met his eyes.
Those clear brown eyes I know all too well. I've seen anger, lust, love, sadness, and insanity in those eyes. I've stared into those eyes pleading for salvation, for an end to everything, but I never got any. I remembered the early moments that led me to believe I was in love with someone who finally cared. Someone who actually took the time to understand me, to know me, to memorize every single detail of me.
Those eyes showed me that I can be free, that I can be happy and the world didn't end. He was my savior from all the creatures under my bed, the monsters inside my head. The one who can make the skeletons in the closet vanish. I can stare into those eyes and say what I want, when I want without any reservations and without fear of being judged.
Sadly, those same eyes were the eyes I stared into while the one who owns them.. I shook myself from the recollections. I promised myself that I would never think of these messages ever again. Not today, not ever. This is all in the past now. I'm over everything that has happened. I have forgiven, I have not forgotten, but I will no longer remember.
I break the eye contact, close my eyes and breathe in, and breathe out. I will be okay. I am okay.
I have moved on.
Inspired by: Unlove You - KZ Tandingan


by on April 10, 2016
  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the beautiful Lilianne Ezperanza!" Breathe in, breathe out. After seven long years of h...

Another year has come and gone and we’re now on our way to a new one (duh)

2015 changed me,  made me realize a lot of things and taught me a lot of other things (but that’s another blog post)

So, without further ado, here’s my 2016 resolutions

1.       No more softdrinks

Let’s face it. I carry around a bottle of water like I’m the most disciplined hydrated human but no, the water inside that bottle has been there for the whole day and yes I haven’t even sipped half of it. So, this 2016, let’s try and drink at least 1.5L of water a day. That’s 3 bottles of the cute 500mL bottle you have Nessa.

2.       Save money

Yes, I know you have savings, and yes I know you’re prepared for the future, but why the f*** are living from paycheck to paycheck? That’s a bit of an issue you know, and it’s okay, it’s a brand new year, let’s have a new start. As in, start with at least PhP200 a month. That’s PhP50 a week and yes, yes you can. Invest in a piggy bank.

3.       Invest

Not just money, we just tackled that issue (and you don’t really have that much to risk, be realistic), but invest in yourself. Go on regular derma appointments, have a mani-pedi every two months, buy yourself a good quality blazer.. the list goes on. What you do now to yourself will pay off in the future. And besides, you already look much older than 19 years old, so let your age catch up with looks first. Alright?

4.       Take care of yourself

Let’s be realistic right now. You don’t really have anyone else to depend on. Not your family (it’s about time that they depend on you now), not your boyfriend (heck, he’s still a dependent himself), not your friends (friends, what friends? JK). You’re a legal adult with a stable job and bills to pay. You miss that day of work, you get no cash. So, do yourself a favor, visit your endo regularly, keep your TSH chill, keep your lens grade up to date and make use of the blogilates videos you downloaded (ie, workout). That girl on your phone screen wont be you if you don’t get your *** moving.

5.       Be punctual

Remember the last time you got late? Yeah, the whole got mad and you lost a competition. Always keep that feeling in mind and never ever let yourself be late. You’ve got your routine on point now, and you know how much time you need to get ready. This isn’t high school anymore, that you can pass even though you don’t even attend classes because your family is influential. Actually, you chose this company because it has zero connections with you or your family right? Because you wanna succeed on your own? So start with being punctual. It helps.

6.       Improve yourself

When you were younger, you knew how to play the flute, the piano, the guitar, and you were a lead in the choir. You painted, you sculpted, you made things from scratch. You became the theatre vice president twice, you were in the student council, you were a lady sponsor. You had a lot under your belt and although you kinda had a bit of a breakdown, you pulled through. Now you’re all chill and all these skills you had are slowly rusting. Be the best version of you Nessa, take the good things from your past and keep them with you. Not all of those were bad memories.

7.       Walk to and from work

Oh come on, it’s not a long walk. Too hot? Sunscreen and umbrella. Too tired? It’s less than 15minutes to walk, (less than 10, even, because it doesn’t even register on your Smartrack). And besides, it’s plus steps to your 10k goal. How else are you going to go up to 15k? 20k? stop being so lazy and keep those long legs beautiful.

8.       Stay committed

Not just with your boyfriend, or your family, or your credit history,  but also with your work and hobbies. Stay committed to Telus and grow within them. They took you under their wing and they are offering you multiple opportunities. Go ahead and claim those chances. They only knock once. Stay committed with Youtube and blogging too. Two posts a month is okay for now. This is your #comebackyear right? Don’t slack off again.

9.       Make memories

The past year, you kind of forget how much you loved the camera, how much you enjoyed writing, and how much you loved yourself. People around never noticed, but you did. Still do. You once said that you only take pictures when you’re in a good mood, and judging from the amount of photos you accumulated throughout the year, not much of the year was a “good mood”. So be in a good mood. Document your time because you’ll never ever get those moments back.

10.   Never apologize for how you chose to survive

You are in control, Nessa. If you don’t want to, then don’t.  Feeling like you’re being taken advantage of? Stop. Leave. Ignore. If you’re getting hurt, why stay and keep on getting hurt? Why torture yourself? Why stress if you can have something better? If you don’t save yourself, no one will. 2015 taught you that, remember? Never forget.

Stay positive, Nessa <3